Welcome to UPenn, hope your stay is a pleasant one.
Looks like the road has taken us to Pennsylvania, and we're on our way to UPenn, to meet up with our contact at the chapter house on campus, where a series of brutal murders have occurred in the past week.
Dario is eager to get out of this van, but so am I. After The Silver Shade, it's been quite the drive. Time to get out of these blood-soaked clothes.
With enough snacks to go around we make it safe and sound to the state of Pennsylvania. We hit Motel 6 for some rest and a desperate need to shower. Vlad automatically passes out on the bed and Dario lays next to him, guarding him--ha, such a good protector.
I get in the shower and it's never felt so good. Water splashing down my skin, as it slowly drips around my cuts and bruises. And I find myself already thinking about the next case. A sorority. Ugh.
This should be fun...
